Kerala High Court has invited online applications from qualified candidates for appointment to the post of Munsiff Magistrate (Scale of pay 27700 – 44770). Online applications can be submitted from 14.11.2017 onwards and no other means/modes of application will be accepted.
Qualifications : These vacancies are open to citizens of India, holding a degree of law from an institution recognised by the BCI and not having attained the age of 35 years as on 01.0l1.17 (in the case of direct recruitment) and 54 years as on the last date fixed for closure of Step-II process of online filing of applications (in the case of recruitment by transfer).
Important Dates :
Date of commencement of Step-I and Step-II process: 14.11.2017
Date of closure of Step-I process 13.12.2017
Last date for remittance of application fee 20.12.2017
Date of closure of Step-II process 27.12.2017
Notification can be downloaded here :