QUESTION 1 | A group of persons decided to act in concert with common intention to commit rape on victim. More than one person from the group, in furtherance of common intention, acted in concert in the commission of rape as per pre-arranged plan. One lady member of the group facilitated the commission of such rape by many persons of the group. The essence of liability in such situation being the existence of common intention. Decide the criminal liability of the following members of the group-
a)Who were members of the plan but did not participate in the act.
b)Who committed rape
c)The sole lady member who lend full facilities for the commission of rape.
QUESTION 2 | If an officer with an intelligence of the Government receives a cheque for consideration on the basis of an agreement to pass on intelligence inputs, can such cheque be enforceable under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881? Discuss the scope of the legally enforceable liability of the drawer under Section 138 and 139 of the Act.
QUESTION 3 | " Examine the statement that what is lawful if one may become unlawful when done by more than one acting in combination"
QUESTION 4 | A WTO member country “X” agrees with a non-member country “Y” to reduce the tariff on product “A” to 7 percent. Can the WTO members claim the same tariff level on like product “A” from country “X”? How have the dispute settlement bodies defined the “like product” in Article I-1 of GATT? QUESTION 5 | What do you understand by the term ‘Constitutional Conventions’ ? Are they are relevant in a country like India hav1ng a lengthy written constitution with preamble? POST YOUR ANSWERS - GET IT EVALUATED + KNOW YOUR AIR RANKING
Note : Dear aspirants - our sincere thanks for writing the answers, kindly take the comments in constructive way . We are here just to facilitate your preparation ALL THE VERY BEST
TO KNOW THE ANSWERS FOR THE QUESTION ABOVE CLICK THE LINK : https://www.lawxpertsmv.com/post/5-tricky-question-challenge-solved
Hi, do anyone know the answer for that international law question ? It is a question based on some recent issue or what ?
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