News item 1 : Philippines Launches World’s First Public Immunization Program For Dengue
The Philippines on 4 April launched the first public immunization program for dengue fever,seeking to administer to a million school children the world’s first licensed vaccine against a mosquito-borne disease that the World Health Organization estimates infects 390 million people a year globally.
Mexico was first country in the world to approve first-ever Dengvaxia Dengue fever vaccine for the public use and Philippines was the first county in Asia to allow it.
News item 2: World Bank Approved $100 million Loan To Jordan
The World Bank agreed to provide concessional 100 million US dollar loan to Jordan for creating one lakh jobs for Jordanians and Syrian refugees.
The loan will be provided at rates usually reserved for the poorest countries.The announcement was made by World Bank President Jim Yong Kim during a joint visit of Kim and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to Jordan.
Headquarters - Washington, D.C., U.S.
Number of Countries - 180 countries
(IBRD), 173 countries (IDA)
The World Bank (WB) is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs.
It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA).
The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group, which is part of the United Nations system.
Dominica’s Patricia Scotland has taken over as the first woman Secretary-General of the 53-member Common wealth, succeeding India’s Kamalesh Sharma.
US Defence Secretary Ash Carter announced that President Barack Obama has nominated General Lori Robinson to lead the United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) and NORAD. This will make her the first woman to command a major Unified Combatant Command.
Iceland Prime Minister Sigmun-durGunnlaugsson resigned on 5 April 2016. He resigned after the leaked Panama Papers exposed offshore finance and tax evasions by him.
Ukrainian Prime Minister ArseniyYatsenyuk on 10 April announced his resignation in the wake of a months-long political crisis ;VolodymyrGroysman to assume his vacany.
News item 5: DEATHS :
Andrew Grove, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Intel, passed away.He was also referred to as the ‘guy who drove the growth phase’ of Silicon Valley.
The Dutch football legend and coach Johan Cruyff andfamous exponents of the football philosophy known as Total Football, passed away in Barcelona, Italy. He was 68.