Kulbhushan Jadhav Case at International Court of Justice
WHO IS THIS JADHAV ? Jadhav, 47( A former Indian Navy Commander ) was sentenced to death by a military court in April on the charges of espionage and terrorism.
WHAT IS THE ISSUE ? He was denied consular access .
NOW ICJ IS IN > Thereafter, India moved the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in May and obtained a stay( order not to execute ). The ICJ halted the execution, pending its verdict. BY ORDER OF ICJ : Pakistan allowed Jadhav to meet his family.
THE HUMILIATION : India accused Pakistan of violating its commitments on access to Mr. Jadhav and of humiliating his family by making them change clothes and remove their jewellery ( mangal sudra, Bindhi etc ).
INDIA’s REACTION : India’s subsequent decision to cancel grant of visas to Sufi pilgrims from Pakistan to attend the urs at the Nizamuddin shrine was seen as a response to Pakistan’s actions on the Jadhav case.
Cyclone Ockhi which battered coastal Kerala has adversely affected the nesting of the endangered Olive Ridley turtles along the Thottappally coast, one of the prime locations for egg-laying turtles
THE NEWS : Intensifying their campaign seeking religion status for Lingayats, those heading the campaign have now decided to set up the Vishwa Lingayat Parishat, as a parallel body to the All India Veerashaiva Mahasabha.
WHO ARE LINGAYAST? Lingayatism is a distinct Shaivite religious tradition in India. Its worship is centered on Hindu god Shiva as the universal god in the iconographic form of Ishtalinga. The adherents of this faith are known as Lingayats.
ORIGIN: Lingayatism was founded by the 12th-century philosopher and statesman Basava and spread by his followers, called Sharanas