‘MASSIVE CORRUPTION IN INDIRAMMA SCHEME’: Rural Housing Minister puts the loss to the exchequer at Rs. 4,600 crore
NEWS : Corruption in the implementation of the Indiramma housing programme during the Congress regime caused a huge loss of approximately Rs. 4,600 crore to the exchequer .
WHAT IS THIS SCHEME ? Indiramma or Integrated Novel Development In Rural Areas and Model Municipal Areas (INDIRAMMA) is a mass housing scheme.
INTRODUCED BY ? The Government of Andhra Pradesh.
WHO ARE ITS BENEFICIARIES ? It covers people living in rural areas in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
INDIA’S ARMS IMPORTS FROM U.S. UP BY 550%: REPORTING: “India was the world’s largest importer of major arms in 2013-17”
SHOCKING : The U.S. recorded a blazing growth in its arms exports to India, recording over 550% growth in 2013-17 compared with the previous five years.
RESULT : The U.S. has become India’s second largest supplier.
THEN WHO IS FIRST SUPPLIER ? Russia continued to be India’s largest arms supplier, accounting for 62% of India’s arms imports between 2013 and 2017.