Q.1)Which of the following term is defined under clause (a) of Section 2 of CrPC?
a)Charge b)Bailable offence c)Non-bailable offence d)Both (b) and (c)
Q.2)Bailable offence means-
a)An offence which is shown as bailable in the First Schedule of the CrPC b)An offence which is shown as bailable in Second Schedule of the CrPC. c)Offence which is made bailable by any other law for the time being in force. d)Both (a) and (c)
Q.3)Which column of First Schedule to the CrPC deals with bailable and non-bailable offences?
a)Column 1 b)Column 2 c)Column 5 d)Column 6
Q.4)Which of the following clause of Section 2 deals with ‘Charge’?
a)Section 2(a) b)Section 2(b) c)Section 2(c) d)Section 2(d)
Q.5)The definition of charge under Section 2 (b) of Cr.P.C is-
a)Interpreting clause b)Exhaustive c)Not inclusive d)None of the above
Q.6)As per Section 2(b) of CrPC, charge
a)Means any head of head when charge contains multiple heads b)Includes any head of charge when the contains more heads than one c)Means allegations which are made against the accused d)None of the above
Q.7)Which form in Schedule II of the CrPC deals with charge?
a)Form no. 13 b)Form no. 22 c)Form no. 32 d)Form no. 34
Q.8)Which of the following defines Cognizable offence and cognizable case?
a)Section 2(a) b)Section 2(c) c)Section 2(d) d)Section 2(l)
Q.9)Which of the following classification of offences comes under CrPC?
a)Cognizable and non-cognizable b)Bailable and non-bailable c)Both (a) and (b) d)None of the above
Q.10)In cognizabe cases, the police officer may:
a)Arrest without warrant b)Cannot arrest without warrant c)Can arrest only on orders of Magistrate d)Both (b) and (c)
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