Q.1) When the Constituent assembly was formed?
a) 26 November, 1947
b) 26, November, 1949
c) 9 December, 1946
d) January 30, 1948
Q.2) The mind of the makers of the Constitution of India is reflected in which of the following?
a) The Preamble
b) Fundamental Rights
c) The directive Principles of state
d) Fundamental duties
Q.3) Right to Property is a –
a) Fundamental Right
b) Legal Right
c) Social Right
d) Directive Principle of State
Q.4) The words, “Unity and integrity of the Nation: were incorporated in the preamble of the Constitution of India by which Amendment?
a) 41st Amendment
b) 42nd Amendment
c) 43rd Amendment
d) 44th Amendment
Q.5) In which of these cases, it was held that smoking in public place, is violation of fundamental rights of life and personal liberty?
a) Mohini Jain v. State of Karnataka
b) Murli S. Deora v. Union of India & ors.
c) Prem Shankar Shukla v. Delhi Admn
d) Shankari Prasad v. Union of India
Q.6) Which of the following is not a fundamental right?
i. Right to equality
ii. Right to freedom of religion
iii. Right to constitutional remedies
iv. Equal justice and free legal aid
Correct the correct option:
a) i, ii, iii
b) only (i)
c) only (iv)
d) only (ii)
Q.7) Article 17 of the Indian Constitution deals with-
a) Education
b) Health
c) Abolition of untouchability
d) Food guarantee
Q.8) The appropriate writ issued by the court to quash the appointment of person to a public office is that of –
a) Prohibition
b) Quo Warranto
c) Certiorari
d) Mandamus
Q.9) Which right is a constitutional right but not a fundamental right?
a) Right to life and personal liberty
b) Right to move freely throughout the territory of India
c) Right to form associations
d) Right to hold property
Q.10) Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment-
a) is available to all citizens
b) is available to all residents of India
c) is available to persons of Indian origin irrespective of their citizenship
d) is not provided in the Constitution to anyone
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