Q.1)Which provision of Indian Contract Act talks about continuing guarantee
a)Section 129 b)Section 130 c)Section 131 d)Section 132
Q.2)Who is a bailee?
a)To whom goods are delivered b)Who delivers the goods c)Who is not able to deliver the goods d)None of the above
Q.3)Which provision of Indian Contract Act defines bailment?
a)Section 147 b)Section 148 c)Section 149 d)Section 150
Q.4)Which of the following is correct with reference to general lien?
a)The person reserves the right to retain the possession of the goods until the charges due in respect of the property are paid. b)Right to retain the possession for the payment of the sum which is owed and even if the payment is not connected with the property in possession. c)Either a or b d)None of the above
Q.5)Which of the following is correct with reference to particular lien?
a)The person reserves the right to retain the possession of the goods until the charges due in respect of the property are paid. b)Right to retain the possession for the payment of the sum which is owed and even if the payment is not connected with the property in possession. c)Either a or b d)None of the above
Q.6)Section 124 of Indian contract act includes under contract of indemnity the
a)Losses caused by human conduct b)Losses caused by accident c)Losses caused by natural calamity d)None of the above
Q.7)Which provision of Indian contract act covers particular lien?
a)Section 169 b)Section 179 c)Section 160 d)Section 170
Q.8)What type of contract is the contract of pledge?
a)Guarantee b)Indemnity c)Agency d)Bailment
Q.9)Bailment of goods as security for payment of debt or performance of a promise is called
a)Bailment b)Mortgage c)Pledge d)Charge
Q.10)Pledge by seller in possession of goods after sale is
a)Void b)Valid c)Illegal d)Voidable
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