At UNSC, India calls for immediate Afghan ceasefire
WHO IS UNSC ? UNSC – United Nations Security Council – one of major organs of UN
Relevance with Law Optional Mains : Organs of UN is a topic to be covered under UPSC Law Optional Mains Syllabus : International Law : Paper I
Current Happening : India took part in Arria Formula meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on “What can the security council do to support the peace process on Afghanistan.’
USEFUL FOR PRELIMS : India’s position was articulated by its Permanent Representative to the United Nations, T.S. Tirumurti. Therefore, Current and incoming members of the UNSC spoke on how the Council could support the Afghan peace process.
India has told the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) that it calls for an “immediate comprehensive ceasefire” in Afghanistan, while welcoming all opportunities to bring peace to the country. India said that they have to cease terrorist safe havens and sanctuaries along the Durand line, so that peace could be maintained in Afghanistan.[ https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/at-unsc-india-calls-for-immediate-ceasefire-in-afghanistan/article33145829.ece ]
Reasons behind it
The peace process of Afghan and premature withdrawal of NATO/ U.S. coalition forces could build opportunities for terrorist networks that could target both Afghanistan and India.
According to one of the report issued by United Nations, Al Qaeda is still active in Afghanistan and harbored by Taliban.
Assistance by India by way of reconstruction and development in Afghanistan could help in maintaining peace and stability in Afghanistan.
The requirements for peace and stability in Afghanistan are as following:
a)The process had to be Afghan-led and Afghan-owned.
b)Secondly, there should be zero tolerance for terrorism.
c)Thirdly, rights of women must be strongly protected and the rights of the minorities and vulnerable must to be protected.
d)Fourthly, the transit rights of Afghanistan should not be used by countries ‘to extract political price from Afghanistan’.[ https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/india-raises-reservations-on-unsc-arria-formula-but-participates-for-afghanistan-slams-pakistan-1742732-2020-11-21 ]
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