CONCEPT | SOP - Separation of powers means division of a state's organs branches with independent powers and responsibilities, Simply saying division of the legislative, executive, and judicial functions of government.
But India do not follow strict absolute separation of powers as it is a parliamentary form of government, this difference have been asked several times in UPSC
This lecture will help you understand the same.
Further it will help you answer entire past 20 yrs UPSC Law Optional Mains Py questions - analysis of such PY questions can be found in link :
Law as an optional subject is a safe choice for UPSC aspirants if they have a background in law and there are instances where non law students are securing well too Viz , Ms. Neha Jain IAS, Ayush Srivatsava IPS and many more who are alumni of Lawxpertsmv
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8 questions asked in past 20 yrs
By the analysis we can draw a conclusion that there are almost 50% changes that will be asked in upcoming mains
PY 20 years questions on the topic are listed below and it can all be answered by listening to above lectures 2022 (a) In the Parliamentary system, though there is no separation between the legislature and the executive in terms of personnel, there is separation of functions between the two. Explain in the light of relevant judicial decisions. (20m)
2021 4.C. What is meant by the Doctrine of Separation of Powers' ? Is strict adherence of the doctrine possible under a parliamentary form of government ? Discuss with the help of relevant case laws
2020 ------------------------
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2017 Do you think the current trends in judicial activism in India are inconsistent with the Principles of Separation of Powers, which is considered to be one of the basic features of the Constitution?
2016 ------------------------
2015 ------------------------
2014 Examine the doctrine of separation of powers. Also mention the relevance of this doctrine in India.
2013 “The constitution of India merely subscribes to three-fold division of gubernatorial functions and not to the doctrine of separation of powers in its absolute rigidity.” Comment.
2012In the presence of institutions like Competition Commission of India and Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, where policy making and adjudicatory functions are fused, comment on the significance of the doctrine of separation of powers in the contemporary Indian scenario.
2011 "The Judiciary by usurping the powers of the other two organs of the Government in certain matters has diluted the theory of separation of powers." Do you agree? Examine critically.
2010 The doctrine of separation of powers in its classical sense, which is functional rather than structural, cannot be applied in any modern government. Discuss.
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