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Chapter 8 : Government and Economic and Social Life during Delhi Sultanate
1. The Sultan :
Most powerful office – with political, military, legal authority vested in him.
Responsible for safety and security of the state and law and justice.
Dispensation of Justice- most important function even to exempted religious classes (ulama)
Rule of succession to throne.
2. Central Administration : Page 96 :
Wazir – Military leaders + revenue experts.
Diwani-i-arz or Military department. Head of this department : Ariz-i-mamalik – did not command the army , rather his work was to recruit, equip and pay the army.
Dagh- Branding system
Diwan-i-risalat - Religious matters, pious foundations and stipends to deserving scholars and men of piety. Presided by chief Sadr / chief qazi – head of the Dept. of Justice.
Page 98 :
Diwan-i- insha - dealt with state correspondence.
Noble who enjoyed fullest confidence of the ruler – Barids.
Karkahanas or Departments.
Household Activities – incharge - Wakil-i-dar
3. Local Administration : Page 98 :
Tracts of Land divided in the country - iqtas – held by officers – Muqtis / Walis.
Village grouping (84/100) – called chaurasi on the basis ofparagana - headed by Amil
Khuti – Landowners
Muqqaddam – Headmen
Patwari - Village accountant
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