Resources and Book List for Law Optional UPSC

Contents of the Blog : 1.Constitutional law -M.P Jain, J.N Pandey etc 2. International Law - S.K Kapoor, Malcom N Shaw etc 3. Law of Contracts - Avatar Singh etc 4. Law of Crimes - PSA Pillai etc 5. Law of Torts - R.K Bangia etc 6. Contemporary Legal Development books and internet sources If you would like to know how to cover UPSC LAW OPTIONAL entire syllabus - time allotment and preparation strategy : view the orientation session.
Wrong books waste your right time - be cautious to select.
Make revision notes from the book sources so that you can revise at last minute : CHECK AIR 5 C.S Jeydev Law Optional Notes - Student of Lawxpertsmv India : AIR 5 C.S Jeydev Constitutional Law revision notes.
If right material chosen then - success is half achieved !!!!!
Many say UPSC Law Optional Syllabus is vast but if right material and area of study finalized then its just a short optional to complete
NOTE : LAWXPERTMV students need not read standard books, the important concepts + cases from this books are covered in our notes, which is exactly required for Mains. Thus our notes will suffice to clear mains with good score.

BOOK 1 | Indian Constitutional Law by M.P Jain
Importance of this book : This is the best standard book for UPSC Law Optional constitutional law because : 1. Many questions verbatim asked 2. Cover major cases
3. Has very good discussion style which enhance your answer writing skill.
4. Single book enough to cover entire constitutional law Price : INR 1200 Pages : 2000 aprox
Drawback :
MAJOR DRAWBACK : Very bulky - humanly not possible to read and retain concepts in memory
Language Quality : Complicated language making hard to understand concepts
TIPS TO OVERCOME DRAWBACK : Stick to syllabus topics of UPSC Law Optional and make sure to read only important case law
Make your revision notes - in lines of previous year questions - CHECK Previous 20 year questions and analysis here Note for lawxpertsmv students : Lawxpertsmv Constitutional law notes are made from this book - simplified along with previous year questions. Thus if you read lawxpertsmv revision notes you can cover entire constitutional law syllabus.

Book 2 : Constitution of India by V.N Shukla
Pros and Cons : This books contains short version of MP Jain and also some parts of constitutional law by J.N Pandey , but its too short that aspirants may miss out on important concepts and cases.
But how can you use this book ? It can be used as a summary, to get an idea on topics of UPSC law optional.
Huge time saver if you are preparing at last minute, at the same time it will have its dark effect of insufficient data to give a complete answer in UPSC exam.
Language quality : Good standard language - medium difficulty to understand

Book 3 : Constitutional Law of India by Dr. J.N Pandey
Importance : Language quality : Easy to read book without complex language.
Covers most of the important areas of syllabus and also landmark cases
Not much bulky when compared to MP Jain
Almost exhaustive of UPSC Law Optional - paper 1 Constitutional Law syllabus
Detailed case facts
Cost effective - when compared to other books.
Drawbacks : Verbatim question cannot be expected as we can do from MP Jain constitutional law book.
Not much analysis can be seen on comparison with MP Jain book on constitutional law, thus you can learn to write facts but not the apt writing/ analysis style required for UPSC Law Optional.
Unwanted detailed facts of case which may drink up your precious time
CAUTION : Stick to syllabus and previous year questions
Price : 550
Internet Sources for Administrative Law

Book 1 : MP Jain and S.N Jain on
Pros and Cons :
Highly informative at the same time bulky.
It is exhaustive and covers all relevant topics for administrative law part under paper 1 section A of law optional UPSC.
Contains all landmark cases
Language : Complex - hard to understand
Price : 1490 INR

Book 2 : Lectures on Administrative Law by C.K Takwani
Pros and cons : Comprehensive book with lucid style of writing
Language : Easily understandable
Very good analysis and points
Recommended for concept clarity
Landmark cases covered
Bulky : thus stick to syllabus and previous year questions
Less price when compared to MP Jain book on administrative law
Price : 616
Internet resource : Lecture on formation of treaties

BOOK 1 : International Law by Malcom N. Shaw
Pros and Cons : Explains many aspects
Standard and informative book
Language : Foreign author book complex in language
Certain concepts hard to understand
Very bulky
Certain topics less information than required
Covering unwanted areas
But can understand the real spirit of International Law
Very Costly
Pages : 1500 pages approx
Price : 4412 to offer price 3000 INR approx

BOOK 2 : International Law and Human Rights by Dr. S.K Kapoor
Importance : Comprehensive book to cover UPSC Law Optional International Law topics under syllabus.
Language : Indian author, lucid when compared to Malcom N Shaw
Very informative covers important concepts and land mark cases
But very bulky
THUS ! Try using Nutshell version of this book : available in market
Nutshell exactly contains what is required.
Nutshell : 350 INR

IMPORTANT POINT : However both Malcom N. Shaw and S.K Kapoor do not cover certain topics of international law which you have to get from reliable internet sources.
Internet Resources to cover Law of Crimes UPSC
Concepts made easy for Theft, Extortion, Robbery and Dacoity

Book 1 : Criminal Law by PSA Pillai refined by KI Vibhute
Importance : Standard book for Law of crimes for Law Optional UPSC
But it will not cover 1. Protection of civil rights Act
2. Prevention of corruption Act
3. SC/ ST Act etc
But it covers all IPC offences which is major component of criminal law
Bulky thus must prepare in line of previous year questions and Law Optional Syllabus
Price : INR 800 approx

BOOK 2 : The Indian Penal Code by Ratanlal and Dhirajlal Pros and Cons : Each section has exclusive explainers and cases
Language : Difficult - complex to understand
Very detailed content unnecessary for UPSC Law Optional
Facts of the case in most part would be missing
Internet Sources for Law of Torts UPSC

BOOK 1 : Law of Torts by Dr. R.K Bangia
Importance : All rounder best book to refer for UPSC Law Optional Torts Syllabus
Language : Simple language easy to understand
Contains major concepts and case laws Easy given facts and held
It contains consumer protection Act 2019 ( new act )
Competition Act - topic 4 of contemporary legal developments are covered.
Price : INR 599
Read in line with previous year questions

Internet Sources for Law of Contracts UPSC
BOOK 1 : Contracts and Specific Relief by Avtar Singh
Language : Complex , hard to understand Comprehensive and detailed book
Contains Landmark cases
Authoritative and standard book for law of contracts
Very bulky
Thus ! stick to syllabus and read in line with previous year questions

BOOK 2 : Law of Contracts by R.K Bangia Importance : Easy to read and understand Concepts clearly given in simple language Covers Important Case Laws But the essence and analysis of contract law cannot be gained as you can get from Contract Law by Avatar Singh Language : Lucid and simple - easy to understand
Simple book easy to learn and retain Price : 300 INR Approx
PAPER 2 | SECTION B | Contemporary Legal Developments UPSC Law Optional Mains
Topic 1 : Public Interest Litigation | This lecture will cover complete topic and also 90% previous year questions can be answered by listening to this lecture : CLICK HERE FOR LECTURE
If you need books then you can refer constitutional law books suggested above - M.P Jain or J.N Pandey - but it will have lots of cases ( even land mark cases ) - read very important life changing cases and recent cases.
Topic 2 : Intellectual Property Rights :
Internet resources Notes on Copy Right Act

Book 1 : G.P Reddy
Importance : Simple to understand
Covers all intellectual property acts viz, Patent Law, Copyright Act, etc.
Covers land mark cases Has good mind maps Price : 630 INR
CAUTION : Need not cover entire book prepare in lines of previous year questions
Previous 20 years UPSC Law Optional Question Paper on Intellectual Property | Download PDF

BOOK 2 : Law Relating To Intellectual Property by V.K Ahuja
Importance : Covers the syllabus Little complex language than G.P Reddy Intellectual Property Law
Covers land mark cases
Price : 700 INR
TOPIC 3 : Information Technology Law including Cyber Law

BOOK 1 : Technology Laws decoded by N.S Nappinai About book : Commentary book with alot of information
How to make best use ? Refer important sections commentaries to make notes
CAUTION : Stick to syllabus and previous year questions
Language : Somewhat complex
Price : 1650 INR

BOOK 2 : Information Technology Law by Myneni
About Book : Easy to understand book - simple worded Covers land mark cases and important concepts
Comprehensive book Price : INR 799
TOPIC 4 : Competition Law

Book 1 : Competition Law by Avatar Singh
About book : Authoritative book , but complex in language
Covers important areas but needs to be supplemented by authoritative internet sources
Price : 450 INR
Source 2 : PDF by Competition Commission of India Click here to download :
Simple worded
Covers all important concepts
Authoritative as it comes from CCI
Free material
TOPIC 5 : Alternative Dispute Resolution
Refer this article it will help you answer 90% of previous year questions

If you would like to rely on book source can try this book
Alternative dispute resolution - by Tripati Price : 343 INR
Reliable internet resource :
TOPIC 6 : Major statues covering Environmental Law

BOOK 1 : Environmental Law by Dr Nishtha Jaswal Dr. P S Jaswal
Price : 640
CAUTION : Stay guided by previous year law optional questions so you do not get deviated and end up learning things that are not necessary.
TOPIC 7 : Right to Information Act

Book source : S.R Myneni easy to understand Comprehensive but stay guided by previous year questions Price : 600 INR
Internet Source :
This article on Right to information covers 90% previous year UPSC Law Optional questions
Topic 8 : Trial by media
Included latest cases - refer current affairs module for UPSC Law Optional Internet Source : Article which cover major concepts Land Mark Cases and previous year questions